Our Mission

In His Name - Colleton exists to support those in need in our community by offering physical and spiritual support through providing food, clothing, hygiene, supportive programs and resources, and pastoral services for families and individuals residing in Colleton County.

Community supporters of In His Name-Colleton need to know that our mission is to raise awareness of homelessness and those in need in our community.

  • We seek support from our community to fulfill our mission. Our goal is to be able to offer a hand up, not a hand out. We do this using a variety of ways by using the recourses God has provided to our community.

  • We are not one church affiliated, we seek support from all churches, businesses, organizations, families, and individuals.

  • Our vision is to expand our current office into a community resource center to have more space to serve the basic needs of the citizens of Colleton County. Some of the services will be the following: Outreach Storage, Training Programs, Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen, and a Counseling Center.

Contact Us

Executive Director
Amanda Herndon
Phone: 843-782-3080

Email: ihncolleton@gmail.com

Homeless Outreach Coordinator
Erik Nichols

Phone: 843-599-4625

Email: enichols@inhisnamecolleton.org

Board of Directors

Jenny Hiott

Jenice Massalon

Linda Jamison

Rosie Mincey

Judy Williams

Joey Worden

Rev. Newman Lawrence

Caroline Hooker